Online academic mobility of acting professors of the department of Chemical disciplines

According to the memorandum between the Samarkand State Medical Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan) and the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (Republic of Kazakhstan) within the framework of academic mobility from 11/16/2020 to 12/23/2020 Head of the Department of Chemical Disciplines, Ph.D., Acting Professor Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich and candidate of chemical sciences, acting professor Alikhanova Khaliya Bakadirovna read online lectures and conducted practical classes on the discipline "Medical chemistry"for 1st year students of the medical faculty of the SSMI.

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In order to increase interest and develop the thinking and competencies of students during lectures and practical classes, innovative teaching methods were used (problem based learning, work in small groups, etc.). The main positive aspects of the training were the activity and interest in mastering the discipline of 1st year students of the specialty "General Medicine" and their good initial level of knowledge.

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The management of the SSMI and students expressed gratitude to the administration of the SKMA and the teaching staff of the Department of Chemical Disciplines. We hope that contacts between universities of the countries in the field of education and science will continue.

25.12.2020, 09:38