On the integration of education and practice in the SKMA

13.04.2021 at the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business in the online mode, a meeting of graduate students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and teaching staff of the department with the Director of Personnel of ZERDE-PHARMA LLP Audekova Tazagul Rimovna on the topic "Modern aspects of entrepreneurial activity in pharmacy" was held. The meeting was held within the framework of the discipline "Pharmaceutical logistics and business fundamentals". The head of the department, Professor K.D. Shertaeva, stressed that universities face the problem of integrating education and practice. As part of the actualization of this task, the department often organizes meetings with practitioners of the pharmaceutical sector, and one of these meetings took place today. Tazagul Rimovna, HR Director of ZERDE-PHARMA LLP, told the students about the peculiarities of pharmaceutical activity in the conditions of transition to the GPP Standard, answered all the questions of the graduates of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of SKMA.

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Students received comprehensive information on business activities in the field of pharmacy, a recommendation on the need for initial work in large pharmacy chains to adapt and gain experience. Audekova T. R. gave a high assessment to the graduates who graduated from the academy in different years and successfully work as heads of pharmacies of the ZERDE-PHARMA network, managers of different levels throughout Kazakhstan. She stressed that the graduates of our academy are in demand in the labor market, have strong knowledge and skills. In conclusion, HR Director of ZERDE-PHARMA LLP Audekova T.R. I invited graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy to work in the network of pharmacies "ZERDE- PHARMA ".

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14.04.2021, 09:56