On April 19, 2019 the opening of the VI Republican student Olympiad in the specialty «Pharmaceutical production technology»

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Composition of the competition сommission:

Commission chairman:

Dean of the faculty of pharmacy, associate Professor, сandidate of Сhemical Sciences Daurenbekov K. N. 

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Commission member:

Omuraliev M. A. - с. Pharm.s., Professor.

Ordabayeva S. K. - doctor of Pharm. S., Professor.

Torlanova B. O. - C. Pharm. S., associate Professor.

Asylbekova A. J. - c.engineering.s., Professor.

Employer - Korotkov V. A., Zhumataev M.Zh.

3 teams consisting in specialty 5B074800 – «Pharmaceutical production technology» 3 heads from Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan were declared to participate in the Olympiad:

1. The team of the National medical University. S. D. Asfendiyarova, Almaty;

2. Team of Karaganda state University. After E. A. Buketov;

3. The team from South Kazakhstan meditsinkoy Academy, Shymkent.

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The Olympiad was held within the framework of the Republican student Olympiads in order to identify the development of professional abilities of future specialists and support talented students, as well as to form a team to participate in international Olympiads.

The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad:

- stimulation of educational and cognitive and research activities of students;

- disclosure of professional and personal potential of students, their self-awareness, creativity, creating conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation;

- education of civil position of students;

- selection and support of the most talented and gifted students;

- formation of active professional attitude to the improvement of the education system;

- exchange of best practices of universities that provide training in this specialty.

The languages of Olympiad: Kazakh, Russian.

The program of the Olympiad includes 2 rounds:

Round 1: performance of test tasks;

Round 2: protection of scientific projects (presentation of homework).

Evaluation criteria: the number of points scored by the participant.

The work of the Olympiad began on 19 April at 9.00 am with registration of participants. Each participant was given a name badge with the logo of the Olympics. 15 participants from 3 Universities of Kazakhstan participated in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad was opened by Dean of the faculty of pharmacy, associate Professor, сandidate of Сhemical Sciences Daurenbekov K. N. 

With a salutatory word to the participants of the Olympiad were Torlanova B. O. C. Pharm. S., associate Professor, head of the Department of Pharmaceutical production technology, Omuraliev M. A. - с. Pharm.s., Professor., Korotkov V. A., S. O. Kenzhetaeva, A. A. Turgumbaeva.

Then the floor was given to the participants of the Olympiad, who presented the name and motto of their teams.

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After the opening ceremony of the Olympiad, the participants began to perform tasks in two stages.

In the first phase, participants performed a test task in 4 subjects (5 variants), defended the projects behind. Participants of the audience listened with great interest and asked questions to the defenders of the projects.

The Olympics will continue on April 20.

19.04.2019, 23:42