Olympics in honor of the memory of Professor Karabekov Agabek Karabekovich

On November 8, 2023, the Olympiad was held in memory of mentor Karabekov Agabek Karabekovich among the 3rd year students in the assembly hall of JSC SKMA, where the organizer was the Department of Pediatrics-1. Participants of the Olympiad V-ZhMKB-04-21, V-ZhMKB-02-21, V-ZhMSHA-09-21, V-ZhMSA- 12-21 , V-ZhMSA-21-21 , V-ZhMSA-16-21
The Olympics began with a warm greeting and inspiring words about mentor Agabek Karabekovich , whose memory the event was dedicated to. The welcome videos created an atmosphere of respect and remembrance of the mentor's contributions to the student community.

Students took part in a competition for the best emblem, symbolizing the spirit of the Olympiad and Agabek’s mentorship Karabekovich . Each group presented its project to the jury, justifying the choice of elements and colors. The tug-of-war competition created a fun and friendly atmosphere. The students showed team spirit and strength to achieve success in this energetic event.

Students were tasked with preparing national dances or songs to highlight cultural diversity in the groups. This assignment not only allowed them to express their creative side, but also highlighted the importance of cultural heritage.

One of the unusual stages of the Olympiad was an appointment with a doctor in the person of a 10-year-old boy. This stage was intended to test the knowledge of propaedeutics of internal disease in children, communication skills and empathy of the participants, and also emphasized the importance of support and mutual understanding in communicating with different age groups.

Olympics in memory of Agabek Karabekovich became not only a competition, but also a celebration of unity, creativity and mutual understanding. The participants showed their talents and supported and inspired each other. The event helped preserve and convey the values of Agabek’s mentoring Karabekovich to the next generations. At the end of the Olympiad, students were awarded diplomas, certificates and souvenirs.

10.11.2023, 17:38