“Official language is my language”

On September, 23 there was held a city contest “Official language is my language” organized by Shymkent city center of language teaching within the celebration of the Languages Day in Kazakhstan. This event was organized to extend official language speaking, to promote its importance and significance among technical and professional institutions.

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There were 11 teams in this contest, consisting of the representatives of other ethnic groups of technical and professional institutions in Shymkent. The team “Yntymak” of the Faculty of Training Specialists with Technical and Professional Education took part in this contest; A.S. Zhakipova, a teacher of  Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Department was a supervisor of this team.

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Conditions of the contest:

1. Team presentation.

2. Singing traditional songs and demonstration of national customs.

3. Guessing proverbs and sayings according to the pictures.

4. Finding the equivalent term in Kazakh language.

At the end of the contest, the team Yntymakwon the 3rd place of honor and was awarded  III-degree diploma.

04.10.2016, 00:14