Nursing development

On May 16, 2018, in the Regional Clinical Hospital, the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing, together with the RCH nurses and students of the 101 Applied Bachelor of  Nursing, organized a round table on the theme: "Development of  Nursing" in honor of the International Day of the Nurse.

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Head of the Department "Emergency Medical Care and Nursing" Seydakhmetov A.A. congratulated the nurses on the professional holiday - International Day of Nurses. Every year on May 12 the whole world honors those who linked their destiny with the most humane and noble profession. The successful recovery of each patient depends not only on the doctor, but also on the responsibility, discipline, professionalism and care of the nurse. In her report: "Reform in the field of nursing", Aizat Ashimkhanovna noted that a multi-level system of training nurses has been introduced, starting from the younger nurse to the master of nursing, in 2019 it is planned to open a doctorate in Kazakhstan on the specialty "Nursing" .Senior nurses Umarova N.R., Malbekova A.K. and the student  Suyerkulova A. made presentations, touching on topical issues in the field of  nursing education and practical health care. Students showed an excerpt from the life of  First Nurse Florence Nightingale and flash mob on the topic: "Skills in nursing and hand washing techniques."

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The round table was concluded by the speech of the main medical sister Zhapabayeva Kunsulu Egenovna and the deputy dean of the faculty for training specialists with technical and vocational education of Parzhan Koibagarovich.

19.05.2018, 01:58