Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten

In the Youth resource center held an event dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland day" and "Victory day".

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Victory day is a Holy holiday, as it is memories of the horrors of those days.

We will always keep the memory of great events, passing it from generation to generation. And in our hearts the light of Victory will never go out. 

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The rector of UKMA, professor M. Rysbekov, opened the solemn event and congratulated everyone with the Great holiday.

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The head of the military department, colonel S. Myrzaliev made an interesting report about the history and significance of holidays. 

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Employees of the department of "Technology of drugs" and "Organization of the department of pharmaceutical affairs" handed out tapes to the audience, symbolizing the clear sky and peaceful life on earth.

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After the solemn part, songs and poems of the war years were performed, there were performances about the great Patriotic war and heroes.

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Much time has passed since the glorious date of 1945, but we know and remember that the name of the Winner -people, many sons and daughters of whom gave their lives for their great land.

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08.05.2019, 07:30