New trends in the development of the Kazakh language

The Kazakh language is the treasure and the main value of the nation. Society is faced with the task of supporting young people who strive to learn languages, including the state language. "The future of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh language" - this slogan was supported today by the students of the Academy.

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So, on April 8, 2021, the Bolashak youth organization of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy held a large-scale event on the topic "New trends in the development of the Kazakh language" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the leadership of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy with the support of the student trade union committee.

The purpose of this event is to develop students' thinking through knowledge and skills, improve the status of the native language, promote and use new trends in the development of the Kazakh language

The event consists of several stages: presentation, homework (video), defense of an article on the topic, question-answer, poetry.

The jury consists of teachers of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages D. Kemelkhan, A. Begimbet and leading specialist of the department of youth policy J. Kambarova.

The game turned out to be very interesting and exciting. Higher educational institutions of the city of Shymkent were awarded letters of thanks and diplomas of I, II, III, degree. Special gifts were also presented.

16.04.2021, 09:00