New requirements for assessing the professional readiness of graduates

On the basis of a letter No. 1-54 dated 24/05/2021 to the rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Professor M. M. Rysbekov, from the director of the SKR "Damu" Kh. D. Alzhanova, 03/06/2021, the Dean's office of the Faculty of Pharmacy organized a meeting of employers with the heads of structural divisions of the SKMA. At the meeting, at the request of the employers of the region, an explanatory conversation was held on issues that are of interest to the pharmaceutical community of the region, namely:

1) The algorithm for issuing certificates to graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

2) Requirements for graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Production Technology who studied on the grant: what form of working out is accepted.

3) Information for applicants who want to enroll on the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Committee of Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent Kenzhekhanova A. Zh. and Turkestan region Abdrakhmani A.M., Zhorabek R. O., Azimbayev N. U.; Director of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Organizations of South Kazakhstan Region "Damu" Alzhanova Kh. D.; Director of Retail sales of medicines of Zerde-Pharm LLP Audekova T. R.; head of the Personnel Department of Europharma LLP Akhmetova Zh.; personnel Manager of Murat-pharm LLP and Atamiras Yusupbaeva N., as well as the authorities of the SKMA: Vice-rector for Educational work, Professor, Doctor of medical sciences Anartayeva M. U.; Head of the academic methodological center, associate professor, candidate of pharm sci. Ibragimova A. G.; Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, PhD Umurzakhova G. Zh.; Head of the Office-registrar, associate professor, PhD Syzdykova S. A.; Dean for Internship and employment of graduates, PhD Kemelbekov K. S.; Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Pharmacy, associate professor, PhD Sapakbay M. M.

The opening speech was made by the Vice-Rector for Educational Work Anartayeva M. U.: "In this 2020-2021 academic year, for the first time, the assessment of the professional readiness of graduates in medical education programs in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 11, 2020 No. KR DSM-249/2020 "On approval of the rules for assessing the knowledge and skills of students, assessing the professional readiness of graduates of educational programs in the field of healthcare and healthcare specialists" will be held on the basis of the REO "National Center for Independent Examination...".

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The first question of pharmaceutical workers was answered by the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Umurzakhova G. Zh.; The second question was fully explained by the Dean of internship and employment of graduates Kemelbekov K. S. The head of the Office-registrar Syzdykova S. A. provided information on the third question. The head of the academic methodological center A. G. Ibragimova, competently answered numerous additional questions from employers.

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The explanatory conversation on the issues of interest to the pharmaceutical community of the region was conducted at a high professional level, at the ZOOM mode.

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12.06.2021, 01:00