New horizons for international cooperation

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry organized a visit to the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of Tatyana Alexandrovna's Rodina, Ph.D. with mass spectrometric detection.

Visit of the Russian Specialist Rodina T.A. was carried out from 19.11.2018 to 14.12.2018 in the framework of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on attracting foreign specialists to teach activities.

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In a rich and fruitful program of visiting Rodina T.A. I gave lectures to students, undergraduates, conducted trainings and master classes for faculty and research laboratories on topical issues of high performance liquid chromatography.

In the subject of lectures Rodina T.A. theoretical foundations, practical application of HPLC with UV and mass spectrometric detection in pharmaceutical and toxicological analysis, bioanalytical studies, and the basics of preparative chromatography were included.

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Professionally and interestingly, in a pleasant, Rodina T.A. relaxed atmosphere and workshops were held on equipment preparation for work, practical aspects and subtleties of work with different detectors, qualitative, quantitative analysis, etc.

Rodina T.A. took part in the International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy" with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Leader of the Nation, where she made a report "HPLC MS / MS in bioanalytical research: good and poor practice .

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Every working day spent Rodina T. A. within the walls of the academy, was accompanied not only by high professional intensity, but also by cultural program. Tatyana Alexandrovna, who visited Kazakhstan for the first time, acquainted herself with great interest with the culture, history, colorful customs and traditions of the Kazakh people.

At the meeting with the Rector of the Academy, Professor M. M. Rysbekov on behalf of the faculty members thanked Tatyana Alexandrovna for their cooperation, plans for further cooperation, questions of co-management and consultations for undergraduates and doctoral candidates of PhD were voiced.

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The management of the academy and the staff of the department express their sincere gratitude to the Rodina T.A. for fruitful work on the exchange of experience and hope for further cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

21.12.2018, 09:29