Neurologists of SKMA defended their report on the topic "Multiple sclerosis, other demyelinating and other diseases" in Nizhny Novgorod

In the autumn of 2021, the 4th All-Russian Congress with International Participation on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Other Demyelinating Diseases was held in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) (the 4th Congress of ROKIRS). The congress was attended by the head of the Department of Neurology, Psychology and Psychiatry, Professor N.A.Zharkinbekova, a graduate of the Department of residency in the specialty "Neuropathology, including children's" SKMA B.B. Rustemova made a poster presentation on the topic "Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of demyelinating diseases of the nervous system in the Southern region of Kazakhstan".

For three days, leading doctors of medical clinics in Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries discussed the directions of the scientific program:
- Epidemiology of demyelinating diseases, ethnic and regional characteristics, trends and prospects of the 21st century.
- External and hereditary (genetic and epigenetic) risk factors for the development of demyelinating diseases, their interaction and ways of correction.
- Pathogenetic variants, early detection and prognosis in various demyelinating diseases, molecular and cellular mechanisms of the development of inflammatory-immunopathological and neurodegenerative changes.
- Modern features of the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, diseases of the spectrum of opticoneuromyelitis and other demyelinating diseases, the introduction of new methodologies and biomarkers.
- Complex cases of rare and combined pathology of inflammatory, demyelinating, autoimmune diseases of the nervous system and neuroinfections, comorbid conditions, age and sexual characteristics.
- Treatment of multiple sclerosis, diseases of the spectrum of opticoneuromyelitis and other demyelinating diseases: efficacy and safety, organizational requirements and pharmacovigilance, age aspect and family life planning.
- The view of the patient and his family members on life with multiple sclerosis, the impact of the disease and its treatment on the patient's perception of his disease, the issues of optimal organization of specialized medical and social care.

For the first time in the framework of this project, a large poster session was held, the basis of which is the work of young neurologists and scientists who have received the right to participate in the competition, supported by both ROKIRS and the European Charcot Foundation. This event is one of the most significant scientific and practical events held in 2021. There was also a symposium of the European Charcot Foundation and a joint symposium with the Society of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (Russia, VOIBRS), a Russian-Greek Symposium on Neuroimmunology, joint symposiums with international working groups ParadigMS, MS Alliance and others, as well as PC Schools, Master Classes and other events. Holding this Congress will improve the quality of specialized medical care for a large group of patients with PC.

Speakers of the scientific forum were: Chairman of the Organizing Committee Gusev Evgeny Ivanovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of the Medical Faculty of the Russian Research Medical University (RNIMU) named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief freelance neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Presidium of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Neurologists, Professor A.N. Boyko.
The congress was attended by more than 500 delegates and guests from all regions of the Russian Federation, foreign scientists and specialists from Europe, North America and Asia.

08.11.2021, 16:59