The bright holiday of spring and abundance was celebrated by the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry together with the 3rd, 4th and 5th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy. The people say that the more generously the holiday is held, the more prosperous the year will be. And therefore, the staff of the department spent the Nauryz holiday in abundance: the staff prepared Nauryz-kozhe and covered the festive dastarkhan for students of 12 groups (about 150 students), who were at the department that day.

The department annually treats and congratulates all students on this bright holiday. To prepare about 60 liters of Nauryz-kozhe, each employee of the department prepared all the components of this traditional dish, which symbolizes the unity, friendship and solidarity of all employees of our department.
Aksakal of our department, professor of SKMA Onerbai B.A. congratulated all those present on the holiday and gave his blessing. Kind and sincere parting words have a beneficial effect on the education of noble feelings in students.
Head of the department, professor Ordabayeva S.K. congratulated everyone on the spring holiday of Nauryz, on the day of the spring equinox, wished prosperity to each house, and students successful studies.

On the day of the celebration of Nauryz, everyone was in a good mood, at the meeting they embraced each other, expressed their best wishes so that all troubles and misfortunes would bypass them.

11.04.2022, 11:02