«National program «Save. Protect. Vaccinate!» dedicated to the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and pneumococcal infections»

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infection diseases contain 90% of all infectious diseases and remain one of the most urgent medical, social and economic problems. According to the world health organization, with annual seasonal epidemics, about 10% of adults and 20-30% of children suffer from influenza and mortality from influenza and its complications is 250-500 thousand people annually. The medical community of Shymkent since October 1 began active preparation for the forthcoming epidemiological season.

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Employees, master degrees and residents of the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenereology of SKMA carried out  information actions, open lessons, lectures, with demonstration of training videos in SKMA, SKSU, and also in hostels  of SKMA and SKSU.

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Listeners of this action were: students of college, bachelor degree and internship. Quizes in playful way were held.Listeners showed high interest in these actions. 

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A lot of campaign work on vaccination has been carried out, as vaccination against influenza is the most effective way to prevent the disease or its severe consequences. Safe and effective vaccines have been available and used for more than 60 years. In healthy individuals, influenza vaccine can prevent, reduce, and reduce the incidence of complications and death.

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30.10.2018, 03:51