«National program HIV/AIDS", dedicated to the world day to fight AIDS»

World AIDS day is an international day of the United Nations, celebrated on December 1. First proclaimed by who in 1988, held by UNAIDS since 1996. The day was established to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of HIV infection, as well as to commemorate the victims of this disease. Many state, public and medical organizations around the world carry out educational and diagnostic activities on this day. HIV / AIDS remains one of the major challenges to global public health: it has claimed more than 35 million lives to date. In 2016, 1.0 million people worldwide died of HIV/AIDS-related causes.

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Employees, undergraduates, residents and interns of the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology of the SKMA held a series of events dedicated to the world AIDS day, read informative reports, also held an open class, lectures with College students, quizzes, the winners of which were given incentive prizes.

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Participants and listeners of this action were: residents, interns, College students. The participants showed a high interest in these events.

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10.12.2018, 06:37