National games day !!!

In order to popularize the Kazakh national holiday Nauryz on 14/03/2024, national sports games were held in the Dene Tarbiesi center in accordance with the plan of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and in order to explain among students of other nationalities, Kazakh national games are of great educational importance for the unity of different cultures. Such games as belt wrestling, tug of war, asyk atu and liangy,.6 teams of 6 people took part in the competition
The rules of the game are explained to the students.
Belt wrestling (belbeu kuresi) is one of the oldest sports of the Kazakhs. In modern Kazakhstan, this martial art is in great demand.Belt wrestling is a type of wrestling in which two fighters with a tied waist fight each other. Belt wrestling (belbeu kuresi) is one of the oldest sports of the Kazakhs. In modern Kazakhstan, this martial art is in great demand.Belt wrestling is a type of wrestling in which two fighters with a tied waist fight each other. The participants of the duel grab each other by the belt, fasten themselves, and everyone.Try to beat your opponent.
Tug of war. The center of the rope is tied with a red handkerchief. A mark is placed on the ground on both sides of this handkerchief at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. The participants of the competition, divided into two groups, hold on both sides of the rope depending on their height. From the moment the referee gives the signal, the players of both groups pull the rope towards themselves. The winner is the group that is the first to pull the red handkerchief in the center of the rope to the mark on the ground.
Asyk atu. 2 or 4 people are playing. Lamb bones of 20-30 pieces (multiples of 2) are collected. One bone is painted scarlet (this is Khan). Lots are being drawn as to who should start. The first player throws the dice out of the bag. They lie down on the floor. The beginner of the game must "knock out" one bone of the other, standing in the same position, with a movement of his finger. or you can "Knock out" several bones. At the same time, you should try not to touch the nearby bones. If you hit or did not knock out the right bone, then the right to continue the game goes to the next player. Khan is the last to be knocked out. The player who knocked out Khan is the absolute winner. The game develops the eye, develops dexterity and resourcefulness, develops fine motor skills of the hands.
The students took an active part in the event, won prizes, the event was held in a friendly atmosphere, all participants were satisfied

19.03.2024, 18:16