My language - the mainstay of my life

On September 06, 2021, a solemn event «Тілім менің – тірлігімнің тірегі»
was held in the Great Hall of the Academy, dedicated to the celebration of the "Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan", organized by the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy, the Department of Kazakh, Russian, Latin languages and the educational and methodological center of the city of Shymkent. The event was opened by the head of the department E. K. Salim and called on the staff and students to develop the Kazakh language, to raise its level.

The main goal of the event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence is not nationalistic, but national consciousness, expanding the scope of the state language, increasing interest and proficiency in the Kazakh language among representatives of other nationalities, fostering a sense of patriotism. Today's young generation is the future of the state, the citizen of tomorrow.

The jury consisted of an employee of the Educational and Methodological Center of languages of Shymkent, M. Bolat, a teacher of the Department of Kazakh, Russian, Latin languages, Zh. Temirbekova, a leading specialist of the Department of Youth Policy Z. Kerimbekova.

The event was attended by 7 1st-year students from among the faculties of the academy, who competed in 3 stages. According to the results of the competition, the 1st place was taken by a student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technology Bakhyt Merey Sapargalievna, the 2nd place - Elemes Adem Muratbekovna, a student of the Department of Pediatrics, the 3rd place - Nuraly Rakhat Nurgalievich, a student of the Department of Pharmacy. The winners were awarded with special diplomas.

In addition, there was a competition for the publication of a wall newspaper among all groups and students of SKMA on the theme" Language – The Golden Bridge of friendship". The best wall newspapers were awarded diplomas and prizes.

07.09.2021, 22:01