My flag is my pride

On May 29, 2024, on the occasion of the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a city-level event entitled “State Symbols: Great Glory” was held at the city universal library named after A. S. Pushkin. The purpose of the event is to develop a sense of patriotism among young people and instill respect for national symbols. At the event, organized jointly by the teaching staff of SKMA and library staff, the department of “History of Kazakhstan and social disciplines” A. S. Erkinbekova made an opening speech, teachers of the department A. Dosalamanova, M. Turadilov, A. Ibraimova, L. Makhatova made reports, and visitors were offered a book exhibition. City schoolchildren took part in the event and read poetry. Active youth and teachers were presented with “Letters of Gratitude.”

03.06.2024, 17:05