Earlier we reported on the successful practical training of students of Sechenov University (Moscow) at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry of SKMA.

Once again at the Department of pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry name's A. P. Arzamastsev of Sechenov University completed the production practice "Quality Control and standardization of medicines" 5th year students of the faculty of pharmacy of SKMA.

Leading scientists in the field of quality control of medicines conducted master classes and trainings on modern achievements in the field of pharmaceutical analysis.

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The trainees conducted Pharmacopoeia analysis of medicines in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation (SPh RF) XIII-XIV editions. Comparative analysis of medicines was carried out in accordance with the requirements of SPh RF, SPh RK, American, Japanese and British Pharmacopoeia.

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Students conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of medicines using instrumental and chemical methods, followed by validation of the analysis results. The analysis of multicomponent medicines after the preliminary theoretical justification of the choice of methods for determining the components.

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It was very interesting to get acquainted with the structure, practical and research activities, as well as with the equipment of the Institute of translational medicine and biotechnology of Sechenov University, as well as the Center for pharmaceutical Analytics at the Innovation Technopark "Slava".

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Master classes on enzyme immunoassay, pharmaceutical bioequivalence, chromatographic methods were held at the testing laboratory of the Center for pharmaceutical Analytics. Here, the students consolidated their practical skills in quantitative determination of medicines in blood plasma by tandem high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by statistical processing of the analysis results.

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The results of practical training are summed up in the form of certification of practical skills, oral interview and computer testing of students on the basics of pharmaceutical analysis of medicines. As a result, our students showed good theoretical readiness in pharmaceutical chemistry, showed erudition, interest in the topics and issues discussed, the ability to think logically and draw appropriate conclusions from the results of the work performed, as well as professional skills in quality control of medicines.

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In the framework of exchange of experience Professor Ordabayeva S. K. was held lectures to students of 3,4,5 courses about the features of modular training programs and educational trajectories in SKMA, about state system of quality control of medicinal preparations in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Trainings on introduction of innovative technologies, active methods of training in educational process as a result of which positive responses of students and teachers of Sechenov University are received were carried out.

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No less interesting was the cultural program, in which students visited the Kremlin, the Armory, the Tretyakov gallery, the Museum of medicine of Sechenov University, the monument to Abai, the Exhibition of achievements of the national economy (EANE), the drama theater and other attractions of Moscow. Students also showed their citizenship by taking part in the elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Embassy of Kazakhstan.

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The staff of the Department of pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry, and students Express their sincere gratitude to the Director of the Institute of Pharmacy, Professor G. V. Ramenskaya, chief specialist of the office of international activities L. N. Vikhrova, staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry for the high level of organization of production practices, as well as the rector of the Academy, Professor M. M. Rysbekov for the opportunity to practice and exchange of experience on the basis of one of the world's leading Universities.

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24.06.2019, 02:40