Multilinguism - as one of the priorities of the modern pharmaceutical education

On February 17, 2016 at the Department of «Organization and management of pharmacy» videoconference was held via online on the platfom G-Global on the theme "Multilinguism - as one of the priorities of the modern pharmaceutical education."

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Knowledge of the state, Russian and English today is a powerful tool in establishing communication and provides excellent opportunities for the development of the country as a whole.

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The most important aspects of the program were discussed, it was demonstrated the certificates of teachers, videos and confirming proper quality of conducting lessons in English on special subjects, which were attended by the head of Department of «Foreign language», candidate of  Philological Sciences A.S. Sayfutdinova and leading teacher of English language, master's on farm. E.K. Orynbasarov.

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Conference discussion was held in the form of feedback from the representatives of student youth who expressed their opinion and demonstrate relevant knowledge.

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The videoconference was attended by guests and management of the academy:

1. Alma Abdukarimovna Akhmetovа - Vice-Rector on Development and Innovation.

2. Guzel Yarullovna Ibragimova -, The professor of Bashkir

3. Aigul Gafarovna Ibragimovа - The head of methodical and education center.

4. Narbek Zhumabaevich Zhumabaev – The chief of pharmaceutical faculty, Acting Professor.

5. Aigul Saydislamovna Sayfutdinova - The Head of the Department  of «Foreign language»,

6. Bayan Ahmetovna Sagyndykova - The Head of the Department of «Drugs Technology», Ph.D., professor.

7. Saule Kutumovna Ordabayeva - The Head of Department of «Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry», Ph.D., professor.

8. Kulpan Kenzhebaevna Orynbasarova -  deputy dean,, Acting Professor.

9. Haliya Bahadyrovna Alikhanovа, Acting Professor.

10. Olimjon Mahmudovich Irismetov - The director of "Phytopharm", sc., the representative of the Association medical and pharmaceutical workers of South-Kazakhstan region "Damu".

22.02.2016, 04:04