On November 4 of this year, the department held an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 40th anniversary of the founding of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry "Modern trends in the development of pharmaceutical science and education".

The conference was held online with the participation of all partners of the department from countries of near and far abroad.
After the welcoming speech of the rector of SKMA, professor M. Rysbekov, a documentary film about the history of the creation, formation and development of the department was presented.

Further, the conference participants were greeted by the First Rector of SKMA, the first head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Professor E. Tegisbaev, as well as Professor of MU "Astana" T. Arystanova, who made a significant contribution to the development of the department.

Director of the Institute of Pharmacy of the Sechenov University, Professor G. Ramenskaya, Director of the School of Pharmacy of the Medical University. Sh Beheshti F. Shirazi, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry with a course of toxicological and analytical chemistry of Bashkir State Medical University Klen E.E., Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy Muradalieva A.D., Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino Navruzzoda G.F. in their welcoming speech, noted the results of cooperation with our department.

Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the SKMA, Professor S. Ordabaeva shared the past, present and future of the department, talked about the achievements in the field of educational, methodological and research work, as well as the results of international cooperation.

At the conference, more than 40 reports were presented on the results of research - the development of new drugs of synthetic and natural origin, the definition of their quality specification and standardization, targeted studies using FTIR spectroscopy, hygienic monitoring of the working area in pharmaceutical enterprises, etc. , to which the conference participants were able to receive comprehensive answers from the speakers.

The actual program of the conference, the high level of speakers, the use of modern organizational technologies were the guarantee and basis for the successful holding of the conference.

The conference gave a new impetus to cooperation between universities from different countries, if some representatives of SKMA partner universities noted the results of fruitful cooperation, others put forward new plans for collaboration on scientific research in the field of pharmacy.

16.11.2021, 12:43