Modern Pharmacy: new approaches in education and current research

Employees of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry took an active part in the international scientific and practical conference "Modern Pharmacy: New Approaches in Education and Current Research", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy of NJSC "Astana Medical University". 
At the plenary session, Professor Ordabayeva S.K. made a report "Internationalization as a factor in the development of higher education", where she shared the experience of international cooperation of the department in the framework of educational and research programs. The report aroused interest among domestic and foreign colleagues in terms of possible cooperation with the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. 

No less interesting was the report "Research of the biologically active substance 2,4,5-tribromo-imidazole" at the sectional meeting, where Professor Ordabayeva S.K. reported the results of joint research work with the Bashkir State Medical University on the development and standardization of biologically active compounds.

Associate professor Serikbayeva A.D. shared her experience in implementing active learning methods with the report "Modern learning technologies in the training of competent specialists." Of particular interest to the audience were the methods of research-based learning (RBL) introduced at the department, analyzes of a specific situation – types of case method (ACS, CBL), etc.

5th year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, member of the student scientific circle Tolegen Zh. reported the results of chemical and toxicological research on the topic "Optimization of the conditions for chromatography of neonicotinoids isolated from biological fluid", according to the results of which she was nominated for a diploma of the III degree.

The conference was an active platform where topical problems of a scientific and educational nature, regulatory processes in the field of circulation of medicines and healthcare in general were discussed for well-known and young scientists, representatives of European educational centers, government agencies and the pharmaceutical business of the USA, the Czech Republic, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan.

20.05.2022, 15:03