Modern education: the application of effective teaching methods aimed at achieving the final results of learning

On May 03, 2024 in JSC "SKMA" was held a regular scientific and methodological conference with international participation on the theme: "Modern education: the application of effective teaching methods aimed at achieving the final results of learning"
Purpose of the conference: Improvement of professional activity of teachers, functioning of electronic information and educational environment of the university, quality of education and innovative teaching technologies, etc.
The following speakers made welcoming speeches at the conference: M.U. Anartaeva, Vice-Rector of SKMA JSC, K.A. Tatzhikova, M.D. (Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia), M.N. Badritdinova, D.M.D., Associate Professor (Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan). Dr.M.S., Associate Professor Badritdinova M.N. (Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan), Bakoev B.S. (Abuali Ibni Sino Tajikistan State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan).

A total 67 reports were presented, 8 of them remotely. The presented reports covered relevant topics related to innovative teaching technologies, teaching activities and pedagogical skills.
Plenary session
Moderator: Vice-Rector of SKMA, Dr. Maria Ulasbekovna Anartaeva
There were presented 8 reports, 1 of them remotely (Bakoev F.S. Abuali ibni Sino Tajikistan State Medical University, Tajikistan).
Plenary session reports:
1. "Innovative approach in teaching: integration of case-based learning with artificial intelligence". Bakoev F.S., Abuali ibni Sino TSMU. Tajikistan.
2. "Online Curriculum - the most effective way to improve the quality of education" - A.A. Abilova
3. «Realisation of project-oriented learning within the discipline «Introduction to Scientific Research»: experience and result» Associated Professor Ivanova M.B.
4. «Features of teaching foreign students using interactive educational technologies» – c.m.s., Abdraimova S.E.
5. «Teaching by the method of inverted class» - Yusupova Sh.D.
6. «Project-oriented work is the key to improving the quality of education»- Polatbekova S.T.
7. «Integrative medical education - a new approach to training future doctors» - Ordabekova A.B.
8. «Implementation of project-oriented learning at the department of “Organisation and management of pharmaceutical business» - Dzhabarkulova S.K.

There were organized 5 sections at the conference:
Section №1 «Advanced educational technologies in training personnel for pharmacy and pharmaceutical production».
Moderator:, Associated Professor Serikbaeva Aigul Dzhumadillaevna.
There were presented 12 reports, 1 of them remotely (Doctor of Pharmacy O.I. Popova from the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, Russia).

Section №2 “The role of general education subjects in the formation of soft-skills in modern education.” There were presented 11 reports. Moderator: Ph.D. Nurzhanbaeva Zhanat Oralbaevna

Section №3 “Digital educational environment: the use of artificial intelligence, information and communication technologies and innovative methods and forms of education in the context of digital transformation of education.” Experience in implementing project-based learning: from organization to implementation.
Moderator: Associated Professor Ivanova M.B.
There were presented 9 reports, 1 of them remotely (candidate of medical sciences Tadzhikova K.A. (Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia).

Section №4 “The future of clinical training as a modern educational model.”
Moderator: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Seydakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna
There were presented 13 reports, 2 of them remotely (doctor of medical sciences, associate professor Badritdinova M.N. and Rakhmatova D.B. (Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan).

Section № 5 «Experience in implementing integrated education in universities: opinions of students and teachers». There were presented 14 reports. Moderator: Nurlan Dzhumanovich Kalmenov

Based on the results of the scientific and methodological conference with international participation, there was adopted a resolution.

The conference materials were published in a collection

The best conference reports were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

21.05.2024, 11:06