“Model of nursing specialists’ training in Finland”

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On December, 2015 A.A. Seydakhmetova, the Head of the Department of Nursing with the course of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Ph.D., Associate Professor and N.R. Dzhumankulova, deputy Dean for academic affairs of the  Faculty of training specialists with technical and professional education visited Finland with a study trip; they visited University of Applied Sciences JAMK in Jyvaskyl and LAMK University in Lahti, they took a course of advanced training : “Model of nursing specialists’ training in Finland”.

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Lectures, seminars and practical classes were held by: Pertli Malkki, the director of the University; Johanna Heikkila, Senior Advisor of the University of Applied Sciences JAMK; Dr. Mario Palovaara; Hannu Ikonen, the Head of the Department of Educational Programs Development; Hannele Titanen, Senior Advisor. The lectures provided information concerning  managing the process of curriculum working out, there were reflected the basic provisions of Applied and Academic Bachelor’s program, there were disclosed students’ mentoring questions, the possibility of an exchange of students and teachers and aspects of training and roles of mentors.

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There was a great interest to the questions about learning outcomes development, approaches of theoretical lessons’ assessment in the curriculum, based on competencies, clinical training of nursing specialists. Practical classes were held in Muurame Health Centre, Lekhtioyya Service Centre of geriatric patients, Paiyat - Khama Central Hospital, Siiri Service Center where issues of specialized medical care of nursing specialist are elucidated.

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19.01.2016, 00:17