06.05.2020. Faculty of the Department "History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines" held an online webinar dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, the "Second teacher", based on the ZOOM platform. The event was aimed at studying the spiritual heritage of the great thinker of the middle ages, encyclopedist and philosopher Abu Nasr Al-Farabi. In total, about a hundred participants took an active part in the webinar: teachers, students and guests. They discussed the improvement of the spiritual, moral and intellectual culture of modern society on the basis of understanding the creative heritage of the Great thinker from the perspective of modernity.

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The Deputy of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. K. Beknazarov sent his parting words to the webinar, which were voiced by the head of the Department. The Department of "History of Kazakhstan and socio-social disciplines "NurzhanbayevaZh. O. So,in particular, it was said about the relevance of the ideas expressed in the treat Al-Farabi "on the views of the inhabitants of a virtuous city" and the need to follow them in everyday life by all public servants and rulers in modern society. The moderator of the webinar, head of the Department "History of Kazakhstan and social - public" Kurganbaeva J. O. she told about the achievements of Abu Nasr al-Farabi in science. Further report on «The new development of the seven objectives of Farabi in medicine» made by lecturer Z. B. Darashia. Senior teacher YerkinbekovaA. S made a substantive report on the topic "Continuity of the spiritual heritage of Al-Farabi and Abay".

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Students took an active part in the webinar. So, a student of the group OM-05-19 FazylMoldir read a poem dedicated to Al-Farabi and Abay of her own composition.

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A student of the group TFP-01-19KultasovaAyazhan made a colorful presentation and spoke about the importance of Al-Farabi's legacy in the education of the younger generation and the development of universal values.

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Thus, the webinar was held at the proper level. "During the webinar, we got even closer acquainted with the life of the great philosopher and thinker, discussed various aspects of his scientific treatises. We received new historical information on the example of Al-Farabi's activities and got acquainted with the spiritual component of humanity and civilization," the students noted. At the end of the webinar, participants noted the importance of holding such meetings on a regular basis.

12.05.2020, 23:41