Methodological seminar on the topic: «Aspects of the application of innovative technologies in chemistry education»

On April 15, 2024, at the Department of «Chemical Disciplines» of the JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, in accordance with the plan, a methodological seminar «Aspects of the application of innovative technologies in chemistry education» was held. The seminar was attended by the teaching staff of the department, chairman of the committee on the educational program «Pharmacy» pharm.k.n., acting professor Toksanbayeva Zh.S. and the chairman of the Commission on internal quality assurance of pharm.k.n., associate professor Serikbayeva A.Zh., representatives of the educational and methodological department, members of educational program committees «Pharmacy» and «Technology of pharmaceutical production», Professor of the O. Zhanibekov SKPU, Ph.D. Shitybaev S.A. and others.
During the seminar, based on the results of the research work, reports were made on the following topics: 1) Ortai S.B. «Research on the effectiveness of Bloom's taxonomy in teaching chemistry in medical universities», scientific supervisor, PhD, Professor Daurenbekov K.N.; 2) Kulbaeva M.S. «The use of active learning methods in teaching chemistry», scientific supervisor, PhD, Acting Associate Professor Turebekov G.A.; 3) Katchanova A.B. «The use of interactive learning technologies in the teaching of analytical chemistry in educational institutions of secondary vocational education» scientific supervisor Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor Dildabekova L.A.
The event continued with heated debates and discussions by the participants of the seminar.

16.04.2024, 18:33