Methodological seminar on "development of communicative competence of students using interactive methods in the educational process"

On January 06.12.2022, the Department of Microbiology, Virology and immunology held a methodological seminar on the topic: "development of communicative competence of students using interactive methods in the educational process".
The seminar was attended by G. N. Dosybayeva-doctor of medical sciences, professor, chairman of the educational program of General Medicine.
Seidakhmetova A. A. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, chairman of the educational program of nursing.
Sarsenbayeva G. Zh. – a candidate of Medical Sciences, chairman of the educational program of Public Health.
At the seminar, reports were presented in three languages. The seminar was conducted according to the following program:
1. Seminar was opened by the head of the Department "Microbiology,Virology and immunology", doctor of medical sciences, professor Seitkhanova Bibigul Tolegenkyzy.
2. Moderator: senior lecturer Kurmanbekova Shyrynkul Zhumanovna
Presentation: features of methodological approaches in teaching Microbiology. (Reported in Kazakh language)
3. A senior Lecturer: Abdramanova Aigerim Asylkhanovna: rules for using of usage of the "workbook" in teaching microbiology for medical students (reported in Russian)
4. A teacher: Tolegen Ainur Nurlankyzy: methodological approaches in teaching Microbiology,Virology and immunology to foreign students. (Reported in English)
5. Teacher: Sadybek Uldana Abilkyzy: conducting a laboratory lesson using an imitation teaching method. (Reported in Kazakh)
At the end of the seminar, the chairmen of the educational programs gave questions on the topics, discussed and highly appreciated each report separately. When conducting practical classes on the subject of Microbiology, the use and implementation of active methods in the educational process contributes to the development of interest, activity, critical thinking, practical skills in the subject , increasing the independence of students. And the chairmen of the educational program noted that it is important for them that the simulation method presented in the report in the subjects of Microbiology,Virology and immunology is extremely necessary.
The chairmen of the educational program noted that the use of an imitation method and a workbook will contribute to improvement in the competence of students in the subject of Microbiology,which will increase the greatest interest in the subject.At the end of the seminar,the staff was thanked and wishes were expressed to the staff of the this department.

12.01.2022, 14:35