Methodical seminar of the departments "Socially-humanitarian disciplines" and "History of Kazakhstan and social - public disciplin"

Socio-economic changes and information development of the entire world community requires a revision of the established traditional education system. Therefore, April 18, 2019. at 14.00, the departments of "Socially-humanitarian disciplines" and “History of Kazakhstan and social – public disciplines” organized and conducted a seminar on the topic “Interactive teaching methods”.

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The senior teacher of the Department of English Language Studies A.D. Beysembayeva, assistant professor of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry A. Zh. Serikbayeva, head of reader service Zh.K. Balimova and teachers of departments.

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Beysembayeva A. D. and Serikbayeva A. Zh. shared their experience and expressed their views on the development of national education in the context of integration into the global educational space, the development of creative thinking, the introduction of scientific achievements in accordance with their needs, creating opportunities for the student to become the subject of their own activities.

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The seminar addressed to topical issues of the educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The participants and guests of the seminar exchanged views and experiences on improving the training of future specialists, updating the scientific and methodological system of education, improving the forms and methods of teaching, in addition, an analysis of foreign experience in education was considered. 

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25.04.2019, 03:00