Meetings on the theme “Prevention of eхtremely dangerous infections”
From March 14 to 18, 2016 under the leadership of Youth Health Center there were held the meetings on the theme “Prevention of extremely dangerous infections” for the students of curator groups 508 “Public health”, 404 “Public health”, 201 “Medical and preventive care”, 202 “Medical and preventive care”, 306 “Medical and preventive care”, 503 “Medical and preventive care” to promote a healthy lifestyle. The meetings were organized at the Departments of “Infectious Diseases and Dermatology”, “Hygiene - 1” according to the order of the Ministry of National Economics of RK dated 22.02.2015 №136 “Sanitary-epidemiological requirements to the organization and conduct of preventive measures for the prevention of especially dangerous infectious diseases”.
The meeting organizers: B.Z. Doltayeva, the Head of the Department; G.K. Yergebekova, Candidate of Medical Science and the teachers M.A. Tayzhanova, M.M. Orazova, O.A. Yermolayeva, E.N. Balabayeva, Zh.B. Zhaksybayeva. The students of the group 202 “Medical and preventive care” made a poster on tuberculosis.
The first speaker G.N. Nuraliyeva, a senior teacher, presented her report in Kazakh on the prevention of infectious diseases in today’s society: The main aspect of infectious diseases’ prevention is the necessity to influence on several parts of infectious process, namely: destruction of microorganisms; influence on the transmission routes to prevent human infection; influence on the human body to develop immunity (resistance) to infections.
The next speaker was B.K. Toyzhanov, a senior teacher, who presented his report in Russian on tuberculosis: “Tuberculosis is particularly relevant for students. Tuberculosis can catch all age groups - from infants to the elderly people. The main sources of infection: a sick man, milk and meat products from animals with tuberculosis”.
At the end of this event, the students were given posters, leaflets and it was held a photosession.