Meeting with the management of the Health Department of the North Kazakhstan region and employers

JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" was organized by the Dean of internship and employment of graduates, PhD Kemelbekov K. S., Dean of residency, Professor Bektenov G. E., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Saktaganov Zh. I., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Umirzakova G. Zh., PhD and as employers a meeting with the heads of city and district polyclinics, hospitals under the leadership of the head The Security Department of Ulmesekov R. M. held a meeting in the large conference hall of the main building of the Academy on February 14, 2023.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, a meeting of interns and residents with employers of the North Kazakhstan region took place.The following teams took part as employers:
1. Director of the "Health Department of the administration of the North Kazakhstan region" Kaziev Arman Yesilbaevich
2. Head of the department of the "Health Department of the Administration of the Kazakhstan region" Ulmesekov Rinat Maratovich
3. Deputy akim of the district "Shal akyna" on social issues Duysenbinov Arman Yesilbaevich
4. "Mental Health Center" Director Beisembayev Daurenbek Zhumagulovich
5."Multidisciplinary regional Hospital" Director Amrin Saken Umirserikovich
6. "Multidisciplinary children's regional Hospital" Director Aimanov Nurlan Bakdauletovich
7. "City polyclinic No. 3" director Utebaev Askhat Ongarovich
8. "Tayynshinskaya multidisciplinary interdistrict hospital" Director Kudratullaev Maksat Madiyarovich
9. Mamlyutskaya District Hospital, Director of Grauverg Karina Valeryevna
10."Multidisciplinary city emergency Hospital" Director Mautova Zhanna Kabidenovna
During the meeting, it was noted that 1.5 million wholesale payments were issued from the regional administration in the North Kazakhstan region, 300 thousand tenge from the local administration and 500 thousand tenge from each institution, housing is provided, assistance is provided in kindergartens, schools to accommodate children of family young professionals, there are opportunities for training in residency for scarce specialties. Graduates' questions were asked and answers were received. Interested graduates got acquainted with the provisions of the contracts.

15.02.2023, 14:09