Meeting with students from abroad

On October 26, 2023, the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy organized a meeting of students from far and near abroad and law enforcement specialists in the educational programs "General Medicine", "Medicine" of the International Faculty of the JSC SKMA.
The meeting was attended by the head of Shymkent Police Department, Migration Service Department, External Migration Control Division, Police Lieutenant Colonel Janybek Beketovich Myrzaliev and Senior Inspector of Shymkent Police Department, Al-Farabi District Police Division, Police Major Sabitbek Makulbek, staff of the Youth Policy Department and students.

The event was opened by the rector of JSC SKMA M. Rysbekov and gave the guests the floor. Regarding foreign citizens by the police department of Shymkent city, Migration Service Department, head of the department of external migration control Lieutenant Colonel of Police-Myrzaliev Zhanybek Beketovich voiced the legislative provisions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of them explained in detail to the students the legal rules of temporary entry and exit to the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of education. It was also noted that it is necessary to observe the internal order of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. At the end of the meeting were asked questions from the students and received answers to their questions at a high level.

27.10.2023, 13:00