Meeting with Professor "A. Mickiewicz University" Republic of Poland

On 05/10/2024, Eva Szczuka, Professor at the Institute of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, held a meeting with the Faculty of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology. The professor presented the history and achievements of his university in the form of a presentation. She also shared the results of her scientific research on the topics "Genomic relationship of staphylococcus strains", "Molecular basis of antibiotic resistance" and "Molecular basis of bacterial virulence". It was discussed in which direction the professor and faculty of the department can work on scientific interests. The head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, MD, Professor Seitkhanova Bibigul Tolegenovna expressed a desire to hold a bilateral memarandum and cooperate in a scientific direction. South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC informed the representatives of the faculty that all conditions are provided for the exchange of experience and scientific guidance on academic mobility.

13.05.2024, 18:24