Meeting with graduate of the Academy, a famous Kazakh poet, writer Tuygynbek Maulenuly Alzhigit

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On October 21, 2015 the department of youth policy organised the meeting with graduate of the academy, a famous Kazakhstan poet, writer Tuygynbek Maulenovich Alzhigit in the great hall of the academy.

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The guests were the chief editor of the republican social and political newspaper "Dongelengen dunie" Talgat Omarov and deputy chief editor Amangali Abuov; the candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, his groupmate Murat Omirali also participated in the meeting. There was a presentation of the book "Azamatқa Amanat", it was discussed the works of the poet.

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During the event the leaders of the academy awarded the Letter of thanks to 2-year student of major "Public Health" Aida Rayymbekkyzy Kulmatova for winning 2nd place in arm-wrestling competition, which was held in Malaysia, also it was congratulated the owner of "Grand Prix" of beauty contest " Shymkent aru - 2015", which was held in the City Day, 1-st year student of the major "Medical and preventive care" Akmoldir Ergalikyzy Abdurahimova. Then they were congratulated by the dean of the medicine faculty Agabek Karabekovich Karabekov.

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27.10.2015, 05:15