Meeting with deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

On May 23, 2022, organized a meeting with deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bektaev Ali Abdikarimovich and Kurtaev Alimzhan Seitzhanovich in the large assembly hall of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The meeting was attended by staff and students of the Academy.
The event was opened by the rector of the Academy, Professor M. Rysbekov. Having received the floor, Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kurtaev Alimzhan Seitzhanovich gave information and explanatory work on the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On amendments to Article 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and additions to 2 new articles.
Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bektayev Ali Abdikarimovich noted that all this is being done to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, the upcoming constitutional reform shows the beginning of a new stage in the development of the country. He called on citizens to actively participate in the republican referendum, which will be held on July 5.

The meeting continued with answers to questions. Teachers and students asked the deputies of the Senate of the Parliament their questions on various topics. Among them were issues of employment, unemployment, student scholarships, questions about wages, the order of conscription, choice of profession, etc. The senators answered the questions in the affirmative. At the end of the meeting, Alimzhan Seitzhanovich Kurtaev presented the library of the Medical Academy with a book by religious scholar, scientist Abdisattar kazha Derbisali "Forgotten Thinkers of the Great Steppe".

The deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan got acquainted with the potential of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. They examined the examination center for testing students, the training simulation center, got acquainted with the modern medical simulators and equipment placed in it, wished the staff of the Academy success in further work.

23.05.2022, 17:06