Meeting on the topic "Forming the basis of legal culture among students".

On March 06, 2023, in the Great Assembly Hall of SKMA, the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy and Department of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent city organized an event "taking measures aimed at developing the legal culture of society, in particular for students and pupils of public secondary education institutions, also held a meeting with students on "the systematic and interrelated work to form the basis of the rights of the

The moderator was the head of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy E. Salim, who introduced the guests and noted that the purpose of the event was to form the legal culture and improve the legal literacy of future lawyers and students of non-legal specialties.

The meeting was attended by a senior prosecutor of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the city of Shymkent Abdumutalipov Asan and prosecutor Khankhojaev Ulan, who touched on the formation of a legal culture among students, staff of educational institutions and the public.
Modern portal of digital bases - ERAP, ERSOP, E-UD, ERDR. preventive event was held within the framework of explanatory work on the legislation and legal education of the electronic portal and its use for information.
Summing up the event, the inspector of the computer program and information security of the department of the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent, Ualikhan Weiss called on our young people for maximum legal information, the formation of the legal culture of students.

06.03.2023, 18:19