Meeting on the topic "ELDIKTIN - ZHETI TYGYRY"

On December 3, 2021, in the Great Conference Hall of the SKMA, the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy, within the framework of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a meeting of the Head of State on the topic "Eldiktin zheti tygyry". The meeting was attended by the deputy of the Shymkent city branch of the Nur Otan party Kalmuratov M.O. and the chairman of the Regional Public Council for the Protection of the Rights of the Family, Women and Children of the Nur Otan Party G. A. Shungaraeva, the Rector of the SKMA M. M. Rysbekov, Department employees on social issues and youth policy SKMA and students.

The event was opened by the rector of the SKMA M. Rysbekov who spoke about the set of principles of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N.A.Nazarbayev "ELDIKTIN ZHETI TUGYRY" which will become a reference point for Kazakhstanis of the new era. One of the main tasks of the primary party organization is the active participation of all party structures in the implementation of the requirements of the President's Address. He also noted that in order to implement state programs on the ground and implement the election program of the Nur Otan party in Shymkent needs to monitor the activities of the roadmap involve the public in the promotion of party projects. Deputy chairman of the Shymkent city branch of the NUR OTAN party Kalmuratov M. O. expressed a valuable opinion about "ELDIKTIN ZHETI TUGYRY".

Then the event was continued with reports on the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Social Disciplines B. Utegenov and Chairman of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" SKMA Abdigappar Yerden Bakbergenovich.
The event ended with answers to students' questions.

03.12.2021, 23:25