Meeting on the theme «Елбасы жолы – Тәуелсіздік тұғыры»

On November 30, 2021 in a large conference - hall of SKMA management on social affairs and youth policy and chair "Technology of pharmaceutical production" within celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of RK meeting "on December 1 to the Day of the First President of RK" on a theme «Елбасы жолы – Тәуелсіздік тұғыры»was held.This meeting was attended by K.M. Suleimenov, Shymkent city Maslikhat deputy, E.S. Serkebaev, Chairman of the Public Council on National Health under the Shymkent city branch of Nur Otan party, B.K. Nurmashev, Vice-Rector for scientific and clinical work of SKMA, B.O. Torlanova, Professor of Pharmaceutical Production Technology, G.U. Zhanbyrbaeva, Dean of Pharmaceutical Faculty, employees of Social Affairs and Youth Policy Administration of SKMA and students.

While opening the event, B.K. Nurmashev, Vice-rector for scientific and clinical work of SKMA, noted that the highest goal for all people in the world is freedom, independence of the country and people. This way was passed by our ancestors and heroically passed. The deputy of Shymkent maslikhat Suleimenov K.M. and the chairman of Public council on health of the nation at Shymkent department of party "Nur Otan" E.S. Serkebayev told to students about recent "Seven pillars of independence". He told about the past and present. About the President and our independence told the professor of the department of technology of pharmaceutical production Torlanova B.O. and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Zhanbyrbaeva G.O.

The event concluded with answers to students' questions.

30.11.2021, 00:39