Meeting of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Pharmacy with 4th year students to prepare for intermediate independent assessment of knowledge of the students

On September 28, 2023 at 16:30 p.m., in the large assembly hall of JSC “SKMA”, a meeting organized with 4th year students of the EP “Pharmacy” and employees of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Pharmacy. The purpose of the meeting to prepare for the organization of independent assessment of students' knowledge in a pilot mode. Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Umurzakhova G., Deputy Dean Sapakbay M. noted that the pilot regime of independent assessment is a great responsibility, and warned that students should be more prepared, 100% participation during departmental consultations. Duysebayeva G., senior methodologist, responsible for the 4th year students of the EP “Pharmacy” emphasized the need to take a second test to assess the residual knowledge of the knowledge gained from the previous year, as well as the need to undergo step-by-step quality control of knowledge assimilation.


03.10.2023, 16:16