Meeting of heads of medical organizations with representatives of IAAR

On April 18, 2023, as part of the IAAR institutional accreditation, a meeting was held between representatives of international accreditation and heads of the health department, medical organizations in Shymkent JSC at South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC.
A meeting with representatives of the IAAR and employers of the Shymkent city was held to ensure the trust of medical services and a rational solution to the improvement and development prospects of educational programs and the need for the role of medical specialists in the labor market. 
From the health departments:
- Nurmashev Bekaidar Kaldybaevich - President of the Association "Pharmaceutical Cluster of South Kazakhstan", professor, candidate of medical sciences;
shared their recommendations on the training of qualified specialists, and also noted the positions of specialists in which there is a shortage. At the meeting, various aspects of the learning process for students of JSC "SKMA" were analyzed, which contribute to attracting students to professionalism and the formation of the necessary skills and knowledge in each specialty. As a result of the meeting, proposals and opinions from employers were taken into account, which will help prepare high-quality specialists that meet the requirements of the labor market.

20.04.2023, 09:05