On February 18, 2015 in the big hall of the Management of Migratory Police academy of Department of internal affairs of the Southern Kazakhstan area and the foreign students specialist "Pharmacy" and "Medicine", arrived from Russia, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, which purpose organized a meeting with students of faculty: an explanation of the provisions "Obtaining Nationality of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Rules of arrival and stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan and departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan".
At a meeting Auyezbek Maksatuly, the deputy dean of medical faculty Tulebayev Gauar Eruzakyzy, the deputy dean of pharmaceutical faculty Orynbasarov of Kulpan Kenzhebaykyza, the adviser to the rector – Zhusupov Bolat Balgabayuly, the head of department of educational work Kentayeva I.T. participated the senior inspector of Management of migratory police of Department of internal affairs of the Southern Kazakhstan area police major Myrzabayev. and the foreign students who are trained in academy. At the end of a meeting guests and students exchanged opinions on the questions interesting them and received full answers.