Meeting between Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan with foreign students

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An important role in the formation of a unique model of all-Kazakhstan unity is played by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK).

The main task of the APK is the implementation of the state national policy, ensuring political stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan, increasing the effectiveness of interaction of state and civil society institutions in interethnic relations. Today, the Assembly contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for further strengthening of interethnic concord, tolerance and the unity of the people. Kazakhstan became a native land for representatives of 150 nationalities.

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In this direction, on September 28, 2019, the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy together with the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan held a meeting in the big meeting room of the SKMA. The meeting was attended by members of the information and propaganda group under the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan: M.Besbayev, T.Zhanadilov, U. Aitubayeva, explanatory work to ensure social stability in Shymkent, implementation of state national policy, raising inter-ethnic relations. Along with the rights and obligations of foreign nationals in Kazakhstan.

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The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “CONSTRUCTIVE PUBLIC DIALOGUE - THE BASIS OF STABILITY AND PROSPERITY OF KAZAKHSTAN” dated September 2, 2019 was also discussed and due to the fact that the “Year of Youth” and “2020 - Year of Volunteers” announced the main tasks and done works.

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03.10.2019, 03:43