Measles – a preventable disease

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In connection with the deteriorating epidemiological situation on measles in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the city of Shymkent, the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology, together with the City health Department and the Department of public health in Shymkent, a large explanatory, sanitary and educational work is carried out in higher and secondary educational institutions of Shymkent. During the period of January 26-February 5, 2019 the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology carried out the following work: a plan of lectures together with Alfarabi, Enbekshin, Karatau and Abay Departments of public health. The lecturing group is represented by the teaching staff of the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology together with residents of the 1st and 2nd year of study; the author's video on the prevention of measles was shot.

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According to the plan, lectures were given in the following educational institutions: South Kazakhstan medical Academy, South Kazakhstan state University. M. Auezov, South Kazakhstan humanitarian Institute named M. Saparbayev, South Kazakhstan Higher pedagogical College, Shymkent medical College, Higher College of new technologies, South Kazakhstan Polytechnic College, South Kazakhstan construction College and many others.

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A total of 36 lectures were given. Work in educational institutions continues. The work of residents in lecture groups significantly increases their professional competence.

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05.02.2019, 04:28