Master class: "Qualitative research and development of projects in the field of nursing»

From 1 to 5 April 2019 in the city of Nur - Sultan, the School of Medicine of Nazarbayev University held a master class on "Quality research and development of projects in the field of nursing». The work of the master class was attended by the head of the Department "Emergency medical care and nursing" Seidakhmetova A.A., assistant Serikova B.D.

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The facilitators of the workshop - Johanna heikkilä and Hanna Hopia from the University of applied Sciences JAMK is Finland, Tuija Rinkinen with University Lahti - Finland, Alberta Betty Osterhoff - University of applied Sciences Hanze Groningen, the Netherlands.

The master class is part of the project ProInCa ("Promoting innovative potential in the field of nursing education in the context of health care reform" in Kazakhstan), Erasmus+ Foundation, which implements innovative projects in order to increase the potential and reform higher education.

The purpose of the master class: capacity building of the teaching staff of medical universities and Higher colleges that teach research in the field of nursing and project management in the field of nursing; get a good experience of fruitful cooperation between the participants. The programme consisted mainly of working together in groups to produce training materials. The master class was attended by the teaching staff of all medical universities and Higher colleges of Kazakhstan.

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Jointly developed a draft national educational materials, organized workshops for improvement of drafts of teaching materials. The result of the master class was a set of training materials for the disciplines: 1) qualitative research in the field of nursing and 2) projects for the development of nursing.

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Upon completion of the master class of Seidakhmetova A.A., met with the Director of the Department of School of Medicine of Nazarbayev University Nancy Stitt. They discussed the development of joint educational programs in the field of nursing, research, mobility programs of faculty and students, exchange of experience.

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08.04.2019, 23:40