Master-class of Pharmacognosy to theme: «Acceptance and analysis of medicinal plant materials»

Pharmacognosy is a pharmaceutical science studying medicinal plants, mushrooms, raw materials which derived from them, as well as medicinal raw materials of animal origin as sources of biologically active substances, for subsequent preparation of drugs. This concept, which is known to all those who somehow interconnected with the pharmacy. But only pharmacognosists and students studying this course know that this science is interesting and multifaceted. That was the reason that the teachers-pharmacognosists of the department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry decided to hold a master - class of laboratory classes in Kazakh, Russian and English of one of the most interesting topics like "Acceptance and analysis of medicinal plant materials ", which took place 10th of April, 2015.

Master class consisted of 3 parts. The first part consisted of familiarization with the object and purpose of the class, which was presented by the leading teachers, Candidates of Pharmaceutical Science, Associate Professors K.K. Orynbasarova and Toxanbaeva Zh.S.

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The second and main, part of a business game was divided into 4 sections, implies independent divisions of pharmaceutical company: acceptance, sampling, analysis, and storage and dispensing of medicinal plants materials. All laboratory and practical work was undertaken by students of groups 503 PhK, 505 PhK, 506 PhK, 513 PhR and 514 PhK. In their preparation were involved teachers of the department and students of magistracy: Serikbaeva T.S., Kadishayeva Zh.A., Patsayeva K.K., Sultankhanova U.S., Seidaliyeva S.K. ,, Bakhtiyarova B.A., Kozykeyeva R.A..

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Production manager of LLP "Zerde-Phyto" Zhumatayev M.Zh., Advisor of the General Director of LLP "Eco-Pharm" Kenzhebai Zh.D., Director of SK NCEDMDME Turmahanov A.K, pro-rector of EMW Anartaeva M.U., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Zhumabayev N.Zh., head of EMC Ibragimova A.G., head of QMMD Torlanova B.O., also heads and leading teachers of graduating departments were invited to the master class.

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According to the results of the master class the discussion was conducted, during which the guests and participants unanimously noted that this master class shows the results of integration of disciplines, which students studying in the academy, when the knowledge gained in the study of the basic disciplines could help to create abilities and skills that specialists will use in their future careers.

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21.04.2015, 23:30