On April 26-27, 2023, the Department of Pharmacognosy and the Research Laboratory of Medicinal Plants organized a master class dedicated to the day of science.
3rd year students on the project-oriented teaching method held a master class on the topic: "Method of obtaining essential oil in the Clevenger device" and "Obtaining extractive substances in the Soxhlet apparatus" for students of the 2nd and 3rd courses in the educational program "Pharmacy" and members of the student scientific circle "Phytochemist".

Head of the department, acting Professor Orynbassarova K. noted that in order to develop the pharmaceutical industry in the country, scientific research carried out to increase the share of herbal medicines using medicinal plants growing in the Turkestan region.
The purpose of scientific research (SRW) is to search for and create our own raw material base for medicinal plant materials, the development and implementation of highly effective and environmentally friendly herbal medicines based on them. Isolation and study of biologically active substances from medicinal plants growing on the territory of the Turkestan region, the creation of new broad-spectrum phytopreparations on their basis. To achieve the goals and objectives of research, 3 scientific and technical projects were prepared and implemented. Over the past 10 years, about 30 master's theses completed at the department.

Master class coordinators: Ibragimova Z.Y., Abdiqadyr N.M., Asan B.M. The purpose of the master class: Increasing the potential of students in the field of scientific pharmacy.
The master class discussed ways to obtain essential oil from plants containing essential oil. Among them, steam distillation is the most common method for extracting essential oil. Senior laboratory assistant Assan B.M. explained the details and principles of operation of Clevenger and Soxhlet devices to 3rd year students.
Further, at the head of the senior laboratory assistant Assan B.M. students who implemented research projects on project-based learning, groups B-PKA-01-20 Askerbek A.B., Kobey B.E., Serikbay M.D. and group B-PKB-02-20 Bakhramova B.D., Umbetova S.M. showed the experience gained to the 2nd year students of the educational program "Pharmacy". As a result, 3rd year students isolated the essential oil using the Clevenger device and extracted extractive substances using the Soxhlet device.

The content of essential oil in plant raw materials (water mint, Bieberstein yarrow) determined by steam distillation in a Clevenger device, and then the amount of essential oil obtained was calculated as a percentage relative to the absolute dry raw material.
In addition, extractive substances obtained from the plant St. John's wort. The optimal extraction conditions were determined.

Based on the results of the master class, a discussion took place, as a result of which 2nd and 3rd year students learned how to extract essential oil from medicinal plant materials and extractives. It should be noted, that the master class of this level shows the results of the integration of subjects studied by students within the walls of the university, and the knowledge gained helps specialists to master the skills that they will use in their future professional activities. For this, it is important for students of the 3rd year of project-oriented education to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, in particular, the participation of students in scientific research both within the educational process and outside it. Conducting a master class for students and undergraduates is an effective form of transferring knowledge and skills, exchanging pedagogical and educational experience, its central link is original methods of mastering a certain content with the active role of all participants in the lesson.

In addition, April 14, 2023 the department took part in the exhibition "Science, Innovations and Educational Achievements", dedicated to the "Day of Science". The exhibition presented the scientific achievements of the staff of the department, students, undergraduates and doctoral students.

28.04.2023, 17:18