Master Class: Integration in Chemistry

In order to form new knowledge and enrich students' knowledge through the integration of disciplines such as organic and analytical chemistry, the “Chemical disciplines” department on March 18, 2019 held a master class “Integration in Chemistry” based on  the topic “Carboxylic acids and their functional derivatives. Chemical properties. Quantitative determination of the content of carboxylic acids by the method of acid-base titration". The main participants of the lesson were the 2nd year students of the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production".

Head of the department of "Chemical disciplines" Ph.D., Acting Professor Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich delivered a speech, wished the students good luck and noted the importance of this event. 

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The master class was conducted by the teachers of the department: Ph.D., and Ass. Professor Alikhanova Kh.B., Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor Shynazbekova Sh.S., Senior teacher Bukharbaeva A.E.

The lesson was delivered by using innovative teaching methods TBL, RBL, CBL and information technology. One of the evaluation criteria was the answers to questions from employers, which were presented in the form of a video. The final assessment of students conducted in the form of computer testing. 

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The spectators of  the master class were: the chairman of the CEP "Pharmaceutical Production Technologies" - the head of the department of TPhP, Ph.D., and. prof. Torlanova B.O .; Ph.D., and. Professor Orymbetov E.M.; Chairman of the CEP for Pharmacy Ph.D., Ass. prof. Toksanbaeva Zh.S .; senior teacher of the department of pharmacognosy Serikbayeva TS; Teachers of the Department of Toxicological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Ph.D., Ass. Professor Asilbekova A.ZH .; Ph.D., Ass. Professor Tursubekova B.I.; senior teacher Karakulova A.Sh .; Methodist EMC - Kudabaeva Zh.K. The master class was rated positively.

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Integrated lesson does not tire the students, on the contrary, in the process of a smooth transition from the subject of one discipline to another, the whole topic develops in a unified way. This  is partially due to the thorough preparation of educational material and the skill of the teacher. Integration is the process of creating a new didactic equivalent, reflecting the trend of modern scientific knowledge, knowledge from one subject to another. 

28.03.2019, 04:29