Master Class. "Early rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly"

The teaching staff of the department “General Practitioner-2” of the Department of Medical and Practical Studies of the Department to increase the level of knowledge in the early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) held a workshop “Early rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly” which focused on interns of GPs and residents.

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Head of the Department of GP-2, MD. Dosybaeva G.N. noted that RA has a tendency to increase and is already more than 1%, the problem of early and timely diagnosis at the outpatient clinic is very relevant. The economic costs of treating RA are equivalent to IHD. Elderly people with polyosteoarthrosis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension often do not pay attention to the first symptoms of RA. By therapist and GPs, this diagnosis established late. This workshop will be useful for both interns and residents.

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In lecture “Early rheumatoid arthritis in elderly patients” head physician of LLP “Medical Center of Joint Diseases”, Baymukhamedov Chokan Tleukulovich, demonstrated the principles of differential diagnosis, features of RA in clinical examples, X-rays and photos depending on age. Interns interested in the criteria for timely diagnosis and features of age-related changes.

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Assistant of the department "GP-2" a rheumatologist Botabekova A.K. performed a clinical analysis of the patient with early RA. Frequent errors in clinical practice have been identified, when doctors often miss RA debut in the elderly due to the presence of conditions that “mask RA” with osteoarthritis. The use of new classification criteria for early RA in the elderly requires preliminary careful differential-diagnostic search taking into account comorbid diseases.

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At this event, attended the deputy dean of the internship, Candidate of Medical Sciences, R. Baymedetov, Leading Specialist of the CMD Kudabayeva Zh.A., professors of faculty of the department "DGP-2" and Head of the Department "Therapeutic Disciplines» Candidate of Medical Science Asanova G.K., interns DGPs (712,713,714,718,719,720,725, 726), interns DGP 2 courses and residents. 

This master class will improve the knowledge of interns in the early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly and prevent complications that can lead to disability.

06.02.2019, 03:53