«Mangilik El – my dreamcountry»

On December 2, 2016 the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, together with youth policy department of SKSPhA held a round table «Mangilik El –my dreamcountry». The event was attended by the head of the regional department of internal policy Mr. Sayranbay, the head of the city department of internal policy Mr. Baigulov, the head of the department of humanities and social sciences, Professor K.B. Kemelbekov, the faculty of the department and students of curatorial groups.

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Professor K.B. Kemelbekov described the importance of “Mangilik El”. Considering 5 institutional reforms, he noted that our younger generation will keep the existing values and build the future of the country.

405 pharmacy group students Pak Alexey and Zhamshid Aripov shared their impressions of the seminar-training “Ideas Changing the World”, organized by the Library of the First President (Astana). They spoke about the main objectives of the “Nation’s Plan - 100 steps to implement the five institutional reforms”. The students noted the crucial role of youth in building a professional and independent state, abling is able to realize a Kazakhstan dream - to become one of the thirty leading countries of the XXI century.

Students Runiza Muramet, Amirkhan Kukanov and Baglan Kenenbay said that each generation has its dreams, and these dreams always reflect the desire of not only personal and family well-being, love for his native land, thoughts about the happiness of their nation and Motherland. For modern Kazakhstani dream of our ancestors about Kazakhstan's independence has become a real value in a multi-ethnic society.

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For the implementation of institutional reforms in preparation of competitive personnel, the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry conducts training of students in three languages, as part of the dual education laboratory classes are conducted on the basis of «Santo Member of Polpharma Group».

Invitation of professors from leading universities and abroad, academic mobility of students in the partner universities enables them to form professional competence at a higher level and to be wanted in the labor market.

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Concluding the “Round Table” program, the head of the youth policy department of the Academy Mrs. Orazymbetova noted that every person living on the planet, feels a sense of pride for their people, country, land, and history. And today, we have to remember the past, to know the present to build the future.

08.12.2016, 05:49