Literary evening «Qayratkerdin kalamgerlik kazhyry», dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the state and public figure Temirbek Zhurgenov

On February 28, 2023, the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin language and social affairs and youth policy department organized a literary evening On «kayratkerdyn kalamgerlik kazhyry», dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Sapakbai Malik Myrzakhanovich, was the moderator. He opened the evening by noting that his writing cannot be separated from his artistic activity and the quality of his pen cannot be separated from his creative work.

His deeds, his position, his services to the future of his people, in particular, the valuable things he wrote in the literary and cultural, educational and educational sphere, which remained after him, were removed from the dusty archival shelves and were highly appreciated. During the evening «Kayratkerdin kalamgerlik kazhyry», where the moral life of the noble citizen and love for his country became a vivid example of serving the homeland for today's generations, excerpts from the works of the figure were read and a documentary film about his life was shown.

Our task at the end of the evening is to prepare our staff, relying on the writings of educators from the general public. «Knowledge of the Kazakh language is a great culture!»

28.02.2023, 14:48