Literary and musical evening "S. Altynsarin-the enlightener of the great steppe"

On October 11, 2021, a literary evening «Altynsarin - the enlightener of the Great Steppe» was held in the large assembly hall of the Academy by the Department of Social Problems and Youth Policy and the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin Languages, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of Y. Altynsarin.
The evening was attended by students of the Academy and the head of the Department of Innovative and methodological work of the Turkestan Regional Children's Library, Asiya Dosybekovna Sabdenkulova and the librarian of the department of preschool and primary school children's services, Uldanai Kuttybaevna Kusherbayeva, employees of the Shymkent City Educational and Methodological Center of Languages were spiritually enriched and received good impressions.

During the event, a review of the life path and creativity of the teacher of the nation was conducted. Scenes from the stories "Noble Grass", "Father and Child" were presented, poems were expressively read.

The active students of the Academy invited to the evening were awarded a letter of thanks from the head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy E.Salim.

12.10.2021, 19:06