«Life Sciences Invest. Partnering Russia»

The chancellor of Academy, professor B.D.Seksenbayev and vice-chancellor on organization and economic issues, professor B.K.Mahatov participated in the session of the V annual international partnering forum «Life Sciences Invest.Partnering Russia» which was held in St. Petersburg on 10-11 November, 2015.

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The event was held with assistance and support of St. Petersburg’s Government, Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation.

The initiators of forum were UU “Medical and pharmaceutical projects. XXI century” and SBEI HPE “St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy” of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation which is also university-partner of SKSPhA.

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With in the scope of plenary session of Forum it was discussed and settled perspectives of pharmaceutical science and education development on up-to-date stage of development, topical issues of cooperation between institutions of higher education, scientific and personnel ensuring of innovation drugs production process, principles of construction and development of communication platforms and networks of educational facilities and research organizations.

On November, 11 within the scope of forum from 10 a.m. till 12 a.m. solemn selebration of the 70th anniversary of industrial technology of drugs faculty of SPCFA was held.

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On this event more than 350 experts in the field of Life Sciences are gathered, including representatives of government of federal and regional level, representatives of research centers and institutes, educational institutions; senior executives of manufacturers, developers and suppliers of drugs, products of medical purpose; representatives of companies-developers and distributors of innovative medical products and equipment; representatives of international and Russian biopharmaceutical and medical companies and many others.

We are confident that participation on this event will be useful in the development of business and implementation of research projects.

14.11.2015, 00:05